“Get the ultimate gaming edge over your competition with insanespeeds up to 7,300 MB/s(1) for top-level performance and radicallyshort loadtimes.”
“A range of capacities from 1TB to 4TB(2) means you get to keep more oftodays games that can take up 200GB(2) or more ofstorage.”
“The WD_BLACK Dashboard monitors your drives health, controls yourRGB style and can automatically detect games to turn on Game Mode2.0 (Windows only).”
“Predictive Loading, Overhead Balancing, and Adaptive ThermalManagement features come to the SN850X to juice up your gamingperformance.(3)”
“Supports future games developed for MicrosoftsDirectStoragetechnology for faster load times.”
“(1) Based on read speed. 1 MB/s = 1 million bytes per second. Based on internal testing; performance mayvary depending upon host device, usage conditions, drive capacity, and other factors.”
“(2) 1GB = 1 billion bytes and 1TB = 1 trillion bytes. Actual user capacity may be less depending on operatingenvironment.”
“(3) Requires the WD_BLACK Dashboard (Windows only)”