Title The Abominable A Novel
Embarking on a journey to the highest peaks of Mount Everest, I found myself engrossed in Dan Simmons’ thrilling tale, ‘The Abominable’. This chilling novel transports readers to the icy terrains of 1924, where the race to summit the world’s highest mountain is halted by a series of mysterious disappearances.
Fast forward to the following year, and our protagonists – a British poet, a young French guide, an American climber, and a tenacious female cousin of one of the missing climbers – find themselves embarking on their own attempt to reach the summit, all fueled by Lady Bromley’s unwavering belief that her son is still alive.
As they delve deeper into the treacherous terrain of Tibet and Everest itself, they are pursued by an unknown entity, sending their journey from a quest for glory to a fight for survival at 28,000 feet. The suspense builds as our characters attempt to uncover the truth behind the 1924 disappearances while battling the elements and this elusive threat.
Dan Simmons masterfully weaves together a tale of adventure, suspense, and mystery that will leave readers on the edge of their seats. The Abominable is a testament to Simmons’ storytelling prowess, delivering a pulse-pounding read that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.
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