Classic 3x5 cards are a practical size for the whole household; ideal for elementary school flashcards or complex, higher level notes

I’ve been searching for the perfect note cards for my studies, and I’m thrilled to have found these Oxford Index Cards. With a pack of 500 (five packs of 100 each), they offer an abundance that caters to all my note-taking needs without running out in the middle of crunch time.

The classic 3×5 size is perfect for my requirements, making them ideal for everything from elementary school flashcards to complex, higher level notes. The standard weight ensures they can withstand both pencil and ink pen usage, including gel pens and highlighters, allowing me to make extensive use of color for focused, effective note-taking.

One aspect I appreciate about these cards is their versatility. They’re not just limited to studying; they’ve become an integral part of my daily life. Be it a to-do list or a quick reminder, these cards have proven invaluable. And let’s not forget the psychological benefits of writing notes for better information processing and recall a strategy I’ve adopted thanks to these Oxford Index Cards.

I must admit, I was initially skeptical about the practicality of having so many note cards at my disposal. But now, with this bulk pack, I can confidently say that I never have to worry about running out again. These cards are a worthy investment for students, teachers, and anyone looking to streamline their organizational methods.

  • Blank 3 x 5 index cards are the perfect study tool for students of all ages; ideal for flash cards, notes or to do list; 500 per pack
  • Classic 3×5 cards are a practical size for the whole household; ideal for elementary school flashcards or complex, higher level notes
  • Standard weight index cards support pencil, ink pens, gel pens or highlighters; use lots of color for focused, effective notes
  • Make Oxford index cards part of your strategy for better notetaking; studies suggest writing notes help you process and recall info better
  • Stock up on 500 note card packs in white; perfect for students, teachers, and more
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