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As a spouse of a dedicated public safety professional, I found ‘Keeping it all Together’ to be an incredibly insightful and timely read. The book addresses a crucial yet often overlooked aspect – the well-being of the family members who stand by their loved ones in this emotionally taxing profession.


The authors have done an exceptional job of weaving together personal stories with rigorous research, creating a comprehensive guide that is both engaging and informative. They present an evidence-based model for building resilience that encompasses all aspects of one’s life physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional, financial, spiritual, social, and professional.


One of the key takeaways for me was understanding the importance of addressing not just the self-care needs of public safety professionals, but also those of their loved ones. The book highlights the significant role that family members play in supporting these first responders and emphasizes the need to care for them as well.


I particularly appreciated the practical tips and strategies provided throughout the book. These tools have helped me navigate the unique challenges we face as a family, fostering a sense of resilience that I believe is essential in maintaining our overall well-being.


What sets ‘Keeping it all Together’ apart from other self-help books is its focus on the whole family unit. This book is not just about surviving adversity; it’s about thriving together. It offers a roadmap for building a stronger, more resilient home life while also supporting our public safety professionals in their mission to serve their communities.


  • Public safety professionals rely heavily on the love and sense of belonging found within in their homes. Theirs is an emotionally taxing job, requiring a great deal of support and encouragement from the ones who love them most. Their wellness has always been a priority, but what about their loved ones? They need just as much care and consideration as the first responders in their livesmaybe more.Wellness has been defined in broad strokes for centuries until now. This book clarifies a holistic perspective of what it means to be healthy while revealing common roadblocks to resilience and the resources needed to prevent each one. Its not enough to provide self-care training to public safety. We must acknowledge and respect the time and effort their loved ones give to their communities as well.Using personal stories and a diverse array of peer-reviewed behavioral, psychological, and organizational research, the authors present an evidence-based model for building physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional, financial, spiritual, social, and professional capital. This same whole-life approach to wellness is also used in the first responders edition of Navigating Adversity. Now their loved ones can learn to master the tools proven to build resilience on the home front, while helping our public safety professionals serve the community.
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