
Embarking on an exhilarating adventure with ‘Professor Charlie’s World Tour – Advent Calendar’ has been nothing short of delightful! This innovative puzzle game, offered in the English edition, promises 24 intriguing episodes that keep you hooked from start to finish. Each episode unveils a new challenge, making it an engaging experience for both children and adults alike.


The game concept is unique and thoughtfully designed, offering a blend of logic, strategy, and creativity. It’s not just about solving puzzles; it’s about exploring a captivating world through the eyes of Professor Charlie. I found myself engrossed in the storyline and eagerly awaiting each new episode.


One aspect that truly sets this game apart is its accessibility to a wide audience. The puzzles are varied enough to cater to different skill levels within my family, ensuring everyone can participate and enjoy the game. It’s a fantastic bonding activity that brings us closer together as we work on solving these intricate mysteries.


The environmentally friendly packaging is another commendable feature. In today’s world, it’s essential for companies to consider their impact on our planet, and Hidden Games has done just that by offering eco-friendly products like this one.


However, I must admit that the suggested playing time of 1.5 – 2.5 hours per episode might be a bit daunting for some. While it’s enjoyable to immerse myself in the game world, spending several hours at a stretch can be challenging. Nevertheless, the compelling narrative and diverse puzzles make the time fly by.


Overall, ‘Professor Charlie’s World Tour – Advent Calendar’ is an exceptional purchase for anyone seeking a captivating puzzle game that offers a unique adventure journey in 24 episodes. It’s perfect for families looking to share a fun and challenging experience together.

  • Innovative game concept
  • Experience an adventure journey in 24 episodes
  • Varied puzzle fun for the whole family
  • Environmentally friendly packed
  • 1-6 players, from 14 years, 1.5 – 2.5 hours playing time
  • As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.